Thursday, October 18, 2012

Week 18

Week 17 completely passed me by, unfortunately.  We have been the house of plague this month, so it's been harder and harder to not only accomplish what we have planned, but also to remember to update status reports on it.  Week 18 though...  That's a doozy.  Week 18 is officially the halfway point of the year. Big stuff, especially for October!

Our Progress to Date:

Reading: With the completion of this week, Monkey has mastered three of the six skills I had set out for the year.  While I'm not willing to assert mastery of Table of Contents, Retelling, or anything to do with Handwriting, I am willing to say he is reading at or above a grade 1 level, he understands the basics of punctuation, and he has a good handle on grammar and the concept of spelling.  I think we're well on target to not only meet, but also exceed our reading goals for the year.  I have some reservations about "effort" on this, as there is a lot of "I don't want to do that" interspersed with the "I want to learn to read!" going on here, but all things in time.  I'm now just waiting for the moment when he realizes he already CAN read. He's quite capable, he just doesn't realize he is.

Math: With the completion of this week, Monkey has progressed through Lesson 48 of Right Start's Level A.  There are 64 lessons remaining in my goal for us for this year, but as the goal was created using the notion of schooling from June to May, no 3-month break, I'm fairly confident in thinking that he will continue to meet expectations, and we will progress through the remainder of Level A, and into Level B by the new year, and then move through Level B at a good enough clip to see us complete the first 35 lessons well ahead of schedule.  He is still plowing through lessons at 1 per day, and given that math tends to fall by the wayside whenever we get sick, I'm not entirely surprised we're "behind" on this - or, at least, compared to other subjects.

Health: We have been slowly working on health aspects in with the rest of our lives. We're working on Human Body right now for Science, which will cover all aspects of health with ease.  While we don't have perfect mastery of all concepts, he is quickly picking up many things just by being involved in preschool and home life.

Science: Science is continually evolving.  Both in classroom and out, I suppose.  However, Monkey is doing a fine job of picking things up, and of working on experiments and on jumping in with both feet when we hit new topics.  He has a good grasp of living and non-living things, he has an astounding grasp of Sun/Moon/Stars/Planets, he understands experimentation, and he is working toward understanding scientific method.  I don't expect mastery of that for many years, but being exposed to it is always good. The remainder of the year will see us cover things like weather and seasons, air and water, fire and temperature, and solids/liquids/gasses.  Some things will be more practical than lab, but that's perfectly fine by me.

Social Studies: This is ridiculously easy as far as most scope and sequences are concerned.  The goals I originally set are all but met - Monkey needs to work a little more on map reading and holidays, as well as heritage (I have no idea how to cover this, so it's fallen by the wayside), but everything else is completed.  No worries.  As far as history, though, I've opted to take my time.  We're going to work on one chapter of reading, then spend the following week doing extension activities.  For example, we learned about ancient text, then made cuneiform "tablets" the following week.  Last week, we covered the Pyramids.  This week, we're going to build our own pyramid.  History will take a lot longer than I'd planned, but we've gotten a significantly earlier start on it than most, so I'm not worried even slightly.

All told, if I had to guess, I would say that Rowena's Browncoat Academy's JK program runs the gamut of "regular" school grades SK-2, depending on the subject.  I'm not sure if I'm impressed, frightened, both, or just hanging on and hoping for the best.  ^_^

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