Wednesday, December 5, 2012

End of week 22.

Well, it wasn't as great a week as I could have hoped for - we came home from Hammie's just in time to get sick.  So, in the end, we didn't get all five days done, but only four.  Still not too bad.

Monkey is now essentially a reluctant reader.  If he wants to read something, he can.  If he doesn't want to, he suddenly finds out that he "can't."  Always entertaining.

Next week we will finish up Right Start Level A, so it's a good time for a bit of a break.  We'll finish that, and then simply move along with a unit study on winter Solstice and Christmas.  It is shaping up to be quite a well-timed season, and I like that.

Really, there isn't a lot new to report, so it could be a lot worse, no matter what we didn't cover this week.

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