Monday, July 23, 2012

End of Week 8

I'm calling this week something akin to a wash.  Monkey has been sleeping poorly, and this has led to an absolute lack of planning time for me.  As a result, I have a whole load of nothing planned, and have been mostly winging things.  Math, however, does not lend itself well to winging it.  I also still have to do our science and history read-alouds.  So, it looks like several things get pushed back to next week, which is workable, but not what I'd hoped.

However, Monkey blazed through 14 reading lessons in the last three days, so it's not all a loss.  I'm now putting him into a bit of a holding pattern, and adjusting my expectations so that he does not finish level two in three days.  I'm going to instead spend one day on The Big Words (like happen and traffic), one day on his sight words, one on new lessons, and one on fluency.  He can watch his current (and past) lessons as often as he'd like, but we're not covering more than one unit per week until I can get the next level in the house - I don't want him to get used to not doing any reading again.

For history, I'm going to give Story of the World a go.  We'll see what Monkey makes of the text and the student book.  I'm not sure how it will go, with his fine motor skills being fairly on target for an early-three, but we'll certainly try it.

Science I need to plan.  I don't know what the next experiment is, so I don't know what to be reading.  I need to get on that, and hope for the best.  Usually, it's no problem, but I'm so scattered from lack of planning I feel almost adrift!

Tomorrow should be swimming.  I'm not sure if that will get pre-empted for grocery shopping, but we'll see what happens.

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