Monday, July 30, 2012

Week 9, Day 3

Reading today was, unsurprisingly, like pulling teeth.  Monkey's fluency is well behind his skill, and today we were working on his fluency.  For this, we read one of the Hooked on Phonics books.  The same one.  Then I keep track of how fast he's reading in the middle of the book.  Last check saw him reading 6 words per minute.  He sounded out every one, and dawdled between them.  Today, we were at 10 words per minute.  He didn't sound out as many, but the dawdling was ridiculous. You'd think the boy never saw a book with illustrations before. He spent more time telling me about what colors the hangers were in the second picture than he spent on the entire rest of the book.  GAH.  Slowly but surely, right?

In mathy news, he is apparently good at geometry. The first task set to him was to look at honeycomb, then take a stack of hexagons and put them together to make the best use of space. This took a whopping two seconds for him to decide how to best do it, and then it was all over but the repetition.  Craziness.  Same applied for lines of symmetry, shapes, and counting by twos to 30.  I was pretty impressed, actually.  I was expecting this lesson to be difficult, or at least time-consuming, and that's not what happened at all.  I have tomorrow/Wednesday slated as an as-needed day, maybe we'll review equations and lines of symmetry, plus anything that was either really fun or really hard.  Seems like a good use of time.  I'm not sure if I'm surprised by how fast he's going through this or not, but he's on his way through kindergarten math, and he's just finished lesson 27.  I think there's only been one or two that he's needed to spend more than one day on.

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