Sunday, July 29, 2012

Week 9, Day 2.

Yes, I am writing a ridiculous amount on all this. It will probably level out in time, but until then, I find it to be a helpful record of what is going on in our homeschool, so it is what it is.

Today in reading, we covered the Big Words from Lvl 1, Unit 3.  These words are harder for Monkey, as he doesn't really have the patience to deal with them. Words like muffin and kitten, which are words for things he likes, are easier for him than words like happen and Dennis, which are words he knows, but doesn't really care about either way.  However, while he is still slow on the fluency side, he more than understands the concept of figuring out how these words work.  I think putting them on a once-per-week rotation should be good - it's enough that he can review them without being so often that he's bored out of his skull with them.  I wrote both the syllables and the words on the whiteboard. He was able, once we were done doing the reading, to erase all the words and syllables, which made him happy. Hopefully, I can keep coming up with entertaining ways of reviewing so he doesn't mind continuing.

Math was a little harder.  It was much harder to keep him focused, which presents a challenge when you're working with manipulatives.  Once we got going, though, it seemed to be a review, mostly, for him. There were some issues with evens/odds, and thinking a problem through, but all in all, he did well. Today's lesson was #26, Equations and Overlapping Tens and Ones.  He's doing a really great job of it, despite his having a case of the wiggle britches all morning.

This afternoon, we did a bit of what could probably be called social studies.  We went out and interacted with our town.  We walked (okay, I walked, Monkey rode) 4.21 miles to run errands. We saw vegetable stands, we saw stores, shops, traffic, lights, crossings, streets with no crossings, cashiers, sales people, and the basic etiquette of the bank lobby when the clerks are closed.  I think this afternoon I'll show him the map of where we walked, and we'll go over basic geography as well.  Really, a very full, albeit not feeling very full day.

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