Sunday, September 2, 2012


Well, I prepped for today last night.  That should have been my first clue.  Skeeve is home from work sick, which makes anything school related an absolute bear, as Monkey hates an audience.  However, I am also down with a stuffed, fuzzy head and sore throat, and Monkey isn't any much better.  Therefore, today has been called in favor of sick day, and getting better before we get worse.  Ugh.

In other news, I've sent an email off to the GDC in Colorado.  If I don't hear anything, I will give them a call on Tuesday.  I'm trying to sort out what kind of testing they will want to do, and how much it is likely to cost us.  I can see some of the things being an absolutely invaluable resource, but the fact that it's worth the money doesn't make us any more likely to actually have the money, so...  It's a research mission.

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