Saturday, September 1, 2012

Week 14 Day 2

Today, as predicted, went much easier than yesterday.  Happily.  It seems Monkey is coming down with something, though we're not exactly sure what yet.  Skeeve has a headache and sore throat, which we're thinking came from Monkey, so...  We'll see.


Reading: Reading went exceptionally well.  He watched and completed lesson 5 today, with absolutely no difficulty.  I was rather surprised, as we didn't even need to talk about what ee and ea say before he was competently able to sound out the words on screen.  Tomorrow will be sight words, though if we have more time on our hands, I might just see if I can get him through a couple more lessons - not pushing, just looking to see what he'll get up to.

Math: Math was also ridiculously easy.  It was another day of adding, this time using numerals and not tally sticks, but he used the abacus to add up to tens.  It was really rather nice, and while the warm ups were challenging (due to a thorough dislike of repetition), the math itself was simple for him.  I'm again leery of the rest of the week, on account of that whole review thing, but I'm hoping it will go much like today.

Logic: Today we did some review, and a few changes to methodology. We only did one new sequencing exercise, but instead I pulled number cards 1-6, and the last three lessons we worked on.  We lined up the cards in order, then lined up the lessons underneath them.  It turned out well, and he seemed to understand what I was asking a little better.  When we went through the new exercise, he made a couple errors, but they were due to rushing rather than incomplete knowledge.  I can certainly handle that.

All in all, a good, productive day.  I like when those happen - it's not entirely a frequent occurrence, but I'm hoping it will be more frequent as time goes by.

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