Friday, September 7, 2012


Also known as "the day I want to rip out all my hair."

Reading: Monkey did very well with lessons 5 and 6 of his reading.  He is still struggling with silent e words - when they're presented to him without any preamble, he defaults to short vowel sounds, then ignores the silent e - but ee, ea, ow, and oa were all rather easy for him.  I'm thinking we'll move on, and review silent-e words as we go.  That may also be a fluency/context thing, as cub makes no sense in something like "the six sided die is in the shape of a cube."  I suppose we'll see.

Math: Always fun, that math.  It was ridiculously easy for him to count by tally marks, but apparently Monkey's focus and my patience are on holiday in the Caribbean together today, as partitioning (as in splitting 5 into 1-4, 2-3, 3-2, 4-1) was an utter bust, and while he added plus-ones competently (when he would hold still), he didn't quite see the pattern.

I'm thanking lucky stars at this point that Fridays don't have a third subject yet.

Last night, we had a family meeting.  We talked about being respectful, and about school, and work before play, and things like eating meals in less than 3 hours, and such.  I'm hoping it's just a matter of getting used to the new normal, but right now, it's insanity in here.  Belligerence, screaming, rudeness, hitting, completely ignoring instructions (be they "add one bead" or "don't stand on the easel," or "could you please bring me your froggy bowl?")...  It is an utter nightmare in my house, and I'm debating running away.  However, I'm trying to hang in, and see what happens.  I'm also considering returning to dairy-free.  That made a difference forever ago, I'm not sure if it's something we're going to be able to do, but we can sure as all get out try.  I need to do something or I'm going to go nuts.

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