Monday, August 20, 2012

Falling Behind.

Well.  Blogging, reading, teaching, cleaning, gardening, reading and teaching seem to be completely impossible to complete simultaneously.  Particularly if my browser window crashes and I forget to reopen blogger.  Whoops.

This week has been a bit of a bust.  I didn't get a chance to plan, due to lack of sleep, which was caused by reading a really good book... so it's my own fault, really.  But, we did do work every day, so it's something.

Reading: I seem to have found Monkey's instructional level for reading - 2.2.  Now, that's subject for revision as I found a way to make the long a sound stick today, but we'll see.  This week's lesson was on silent e words with the long A.  So, we watched a lot of LeapFrog Word Caper, and we did endless repetition of "silent e makes the first vowel say its name" that didn't help in the slightest.  So, today, in reading the actual 'practice' section of the book, I finally just said, "Monkey, all these words have the long A sound.  The A says A in all these words."  Thinking about it, I don't think that's any much different than "Now you're going to learn to read words with the long A sound" so I'm thinking he may just blow through this as well - once I find the keys to teach him what sound we're working on, he's racing ahead.  He went through the first line (of three) in probably half an hour. Then, I hit the "everything says A" and he went through the last two lines in about five minutes.  So, we'll see what we get tomorrow.

Math: Today we did combinations of coins, counting by 10s, evens, odds, and halves.  Monkey raced right through that lesson as well, once I got him focused on the work.  He even drew the correlation that we were cutting shapes on the lines of symmetry (which, since we folded paper shapes in half, then cut on the fold, was 100% accurate).  I about fell out of my chair.  He can do a lot more than I planned.  Most of the rest of the week, he was working on evens and odds, and counting by tens to ten-ten.

Science: Today we talked about the relative size of the sun, and why it looks so small in the sky when it is, in fact, unimaginably huge.  We also talked about what the word diameter means, as well as which number was bigger - the 500 miles we drive to Hammie's house, or the 856,000 mile diameter of the sun.  He got that in one, too.  Skeeve will work on the actual experiment for this concept on Wednesday or Thursday, cementing the idea.

Logic: I spaced on logic this week.  I think, over the weekend, I'm going to give Monkey some logic puzzles to solve, and see what happens - what this means is that I'm going to print out the lessons he's already done, color them, then cut them out.  Monkey can then use the squares individually to arrange them in order.

History: This will be gone over tomorrow.  It will probably be the only thing gone over tomorrow, as we have a load of grocery shopping to do, and I'd forgotten to get on that earlier.  No big, though, as I plan for four day weeks.  Anyway, history will be the first piece on The Earliest People.  I really need to spend the next bunch of time going through the history book.  There's more than one religious story presented as fact, and this is only the case for one religion, and that seems... not equitable.  Therefore, I need to edit the sections as I go, making sure that everything is presented fairly.  Should be interesting.

Pre-School: Monkey will (I hope) be rejoining his preschool from last year.  They work on things like his fine and gross motor skills as well as his social skills - things which are exceptionally handy for me to not worry about.

Next week, I wish for better planning and a less engrossing series of books to read.  The bright side is that I'm now at 78 books read for the year, with a goal of 100.  So at least some kind of goal is being met?

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