Sunday, August 5, 2012

Week 10, Day 2

Reading was a right pain in the tuckus. Monkey would much rather have been watching Blue's Clues than lessons, and since Omero was home and up this morning, it put a little wrench in the works - Monkey doesn't like to work in front of people who aren't me.  He feels the need to show off instead, but he won't show off his academics, he would rather showboat in chatter.  Fine, but if I'm hoping he'll work, it's a little harder.  Anyhow, he read his words, and we eventually got him to go through all of them - chipmunk, hopscotch, suspect, etc.  I'm not sure how much of his reluctance falls under "I caaaaaaan't!" and how much of it falls under his hating review, but once he actually paid attention, he was great at it.

Logic got dumped into today after yesterday's mess.  There was a fair bit of scaffolding involved, as he wasn't quite understanding what was being asked of him.  However, once he understood what I was looking for, he was good at the concept... but also very easily distracted by the illustrations.  I think I'm going to find some similar things for him to work on during the rest of the week - he loved it, blew through three lessons, and wanted another one.  I stopped him at three as that was all I had printed, but I think I'll make some more sheets for him to practice on.  For the moment, he's content to color the pictures from the pages he's done.

Math may have been pushing it.  I went for all three back-to-back, which would have seen us done (on an ordinary day) for the day by noon.  Now, it could have just been that the math lesson was supposed to take three days, but again, he got it in one.  I'll want to review grouping by 10s for ease of counting, as that was where he started getting fidgety, but otherwise he seems to have gotten it with no problems.  He continues to astound me.  Anyhow, he got "opposites" and more/less just fine, and I'll see about playing the Less Game with him this afternoon just for reinforcement.  He also nailed "copy" and "reflection" just fine. It was almost eerie how quickly he got that one.  Tomorrow we're back to money and estimating, so I'm hoping he'll grok onto grouping by 10s tonight/tomorrow, if for no other reason than making tomorrow's lesson easier.

Today was also a history day. We're doing the second half of the first chapter, but I just didn't have a chance to get an archaeology dig set up for him.  So, we went over his history book instead - he's asked Daddy about his history, and I filled in my own, so we reviewed what Mommy's history is.  Then we did the review questions and the narration.  Unfortunately, this has a history of being very like pulling teeth, so I went in expecting this to be difficult, and trying not to let him know I was expecting it.  The read-aloud itself went much better than I thought it would.  Last go-around it was a challenge to keep him from running through the house shrieking.  Today, he sat and listened.  Of course, when it came time to answer questions (what does an archaeologist do?), he decided it was naptime and he'd tell me when he woke up in the morning.  Once we got going, though, it was pretty easy to determine he had been listening.  He was able to tell me what archaeologists do, give me some examples of things they would find, and how they do it - I just had to find the right tools to link it to something he cared about.  When we went to the Children's Museum, he and a friend played at digging up fossils of dinosaurs.  Linked to that, he has a crystal clear idea of what an archaeologist would do, what he would find, and that he could learn about history itself from the kinds of things left behind. 

All in all, I'm very happy.  He's done wonderfully, and took the addition of logic completely in stride.

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