Saturday, August 4, 2012

Week 10, Day 1

Reading: Holy COW!  Unit 3 is *hard.*  It hadn't occurred to me just how many sounds -ed makes - there's "ud" like lifted, there's "t" like kicked, and then there's "d" like smelled.  WTF, English?!?  Could you be more confusing?  I'm sticking with the same tack as I've been using, though, letting him watch the unit as much as he wants, and then I'll see what he got out of it when we get to the end of the week.  If he didn't retain much of it, then we'll do it again next week, and that would be okay with me.  This whipping through things at mach two is a little dizzying.  It looks, however, like he was doing pretty well with it, so we'll see where it ends up.

Math: Geometry Whiz, coming through!  Today's lesson was on coins (penny, nickel), and on reflections and lines of symmetry via geoboard.  The penny and nickel were difficult for him, so I'm going to keep right on reviewing those with him.  The lines of symmetry and making reflected shapes on a geoboard?  Yeah, that was apparently the hard part of the lesson, and he whipped through that too.  He has taken to geometry like a fish to water.  I'm a little astounded, as I know I don't particularly care for it, but hey.  Whatever he likes, right?

Today was also supposed to start logic.  However, as we had a video call with my mother today, and once we hung up, Omero came downstairs to play videogames... that never did happen.  I'm going to try again tomorrow, see what we get.  The bonus is that I can tell science is sticking - Monkey made a point of informing us we all live on the planet Earth.  And quite solemnly declared it was very large.  

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