Monday, August 6, 2012

Week 10, Day 3

Today was a bit of a rough start.  We drove Skeeve in to work, as it's a holiday and the bus doesn't come in time to get him in.  This means our day started by 7 instead of by 9.  However, there was an awful lot of First Thing Dawdling that went on.  Really, from both of us.

Reading:  Reading went... fairly well.  It was a fluency day, and when things got cleaned up for our Tuesday Night Game Night, Monkey's Slim Sam book went a-missing.  Bad news, since that's the one we were using for his fluency scoring.  AUGH.  So, instead, today we broke out Hop On Pop.  This was sort of a bonus.  The last two times I'd checked his fluency, he was reading 6 and 10 words per minute. Today, he got a whopping 20.  Now, as "fluent" is 45 words per minute, he's got a ways to go.  But, for a picture book, 20 seems pretty good to me.  Thing is, Monkey seems to have a one minute timer.  Once his minute of timed reading is up (whether he can see the timer or not, whether he knows I've started it or not!), he stops reading, and starts goofing off.  Really odd to me.  I am, however, glad I can get that first minute out of him.

Math: Math was a whole lot of crazy.  Monkey got the concepts, but was steadfastly refusing to use the abacus.  So, I would ask him to enter his dimes on the abacus, and he would enter them as ones, or as a random number of tens.  If I asked him what he had, he would tell me the right amount, but entering it was just not happening.  So, I cut the lesson a bit short, and we'll work on it again tomorrow instead.

Science: This went fairly well.  The only issue is that he adores the science book.  This is an issue only because he loves looking through it at all the things that are there, and I need him to focus on the surface of the moon today - we're going over the lunar surface in his experiment this week, so today we read about it.  Initially this went well, but as we got on, he wanted to explore the rest of the book.  So, once we made our way through the lunar surface pages, I let him browse whatever he wanted, and he was happy.

School today was done by 9:30.  So, while I cut math short, that still puts us on three subjects in about an hour and a half.  This tells me we will likely see (as we go on) three subjects happening in right about two hours, which puts us at two hours per day, four days per week.  Not too bad!  And certainly beats the tail off of public school with its six hours per day.  Rock.

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