Sunday, August 26, 2012

Week 13 - Catching Up.

This week has been a little weird at best.  I have everything all planned out well, and pacing is good, but Monkey has decided that the only way to sleep is in 20 minute increments, and after that time is up, he needs to wake up screaming and crying - unless we are in the bed with him, of course.  So, while my planning time is fine, my prep time is gone, which makes things feel harried.

Reading: We made it through both long A and long I.  Again, it takes a little working on it to get there, but he does understand the principle, and he still hates practice.  I checked to see if he "got" silent e words as a concept, and he hadn't yet, so we're doing one vowel at a time.  He's doing great, and is using the time between reading and math to play Starfall on my computer, also eating into my blogging time.  Ah, well.  He's enjoying it.

Math: Math is still flying right by.  We'll need to reinforce what a "dozen" is, but as of right now, he's still going through both sections of a lesson in a day.  Even more fun, though, is that he has decided that if he fights me on doing it, I'll somehow let him play Starfall more.  I'm not sure where he got that, but whatever.  So, he spent half an hour this afternoon dinking around instead of putting together seven cents.  I finally snapped and told him flat out that not only was he not watching television, but he wouldn't play on the compy anymore if he couldn't get his act together.  He assembled seven cents in about three seconds.  I'm glad he gets it, but I am unamused at the stalling tactics.  Maybe we'll save Starfall for after the school day is completely done.

History: We wound up doing both sections of chapter 1 today - the nomads, and the nomads becoming farmers.  He did *spectacularly* well on the mapwork for the fertile crescent, and he did a wonderful job coloring the farmer with his shadouf as well.  I was really impressed that he is now choosing his colors with care - he wants blue for the water, green for the grass, etc.  It used to be that he'd just color whatever he wanted in whatever his favorite color of the hour was.  So I was pretty pleased.  He also did a fair job with the review questions.  I think it might take a little while to get him narrating, but that's okay.  I'm happy to know he listened, and happy to hear him able to answer questions - even if the nomads were camping out in tents.

Logic: This went well, too.  I printed out three lessons, colored in the boxes, and cut them out.  Then I scrambled them (within lessons) and put them down for Monkey to determine their order.  I'm still doing a bit of scaffolding there, but he seems to be catching on faster, so I'm cool with it.  He's also doing more sly-putting-things-in-the-wrong-order-to-see-if-I'll-call-him-on-it, so I'm going to have to find strategies to get him out of that habit.  'Cause I do not deal well with the "I'm going to deliberately waste your time!" stuff.

Science:  This week science will cover living conditions, and whether or not life is sustainable on other planets.  I'm looking forward to that, truth be told.  I'm loving the science, and Monkey is a big fan of the experiments.  Should be a good time.

I may have to drop back to a once per week wrap up, 'cause I'm having such a hard time keeping up between Starfall, PBSKids and Monkey's poor sleeping.  I keep trying to blog, and then get sideswiped by something every time I try.  Go figure.

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